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50807: Identify and set up level name for printing on scroll
Whenever Maroc enters a new room (or moves from a tunnel to a new room), the room number is cross referenced against the current level/area using the lookup table at 50852.
The paired byte (1-9) indicates which level (29042) Maroc is on. Once identified, the level name is printed on the scroll.
50807 LD A,(60087) Get room number
50810 CP 213 There are 212 'standard' rooms in the game
50812 JR NC,50870 If the room number is higher, we assume Maroc's in a vertical scrolling tunnel section, so skip the next bit as no scroll message is needed.
50814 LD B,9 9 pairs of bytes to check at 50852
50816 LD HL,50852
50819 LD C,A Temporary store for room number in C register
50820 LD A,(HL) Get first byte of data banks
50821 CP C
50822 JR C,50828 If current room number > the first byte of the pair, level identified
50824 INC HL Otherwise move to next pair of bytes
50825 INC HL
50826 DJNZ 50820
Level identified from room number
50828 DEC HL Move pointer back 1 byte to the second byte of previous pair
50829 LD A,(HL)
50830 LD (60105),A ...And store.
50833 LD HL,(60251) Get address pointer to current game level text at 29042
50836 CALL 58789 Identify the address of the level text to print
50839 LD (60138),HL ...and store.
50842 LD A,0 Set the character counter to the start of the text (character position 0)
50844 LD (60361),A ...and store.
50847 CALL 58764 Clear the spell message text area on the scroll
50850 JR 50870 Jump to initialize, set up and draw room items
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