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53819: Tunnels - check if Maroc has hit a left/right boundary wall
Used by the routine at 53714.
Maroc loses a very small amount of energy (1) if he collides with a tunnel boundary.
This routine checks Maroc's position against that of either the left (53840) or right (53819) boundary (determined at 53721).
RIGHT boundary wall check - compare boundary wall position against Maroc's position
Vertical position check:
53819 LD A,(60234) Boundary wall's vertical (pixel) position
53822 SUB 80 Subtract 80 (pixels) from this value
53824 CP 16
53826 JP NC,53885 If the difference is >=16, it's NOT within Maroc's vertical 'hit box' area (jump out here)
Horizontal position check:
53829 LD A,(60232) Boundary wall's horizontal (half-character/4-pixel) position
53832 CP 32 Check vs 32 (= 16 character squares = the right hand side of Maroc's sprite graphic)
53834 JR NC,53867 If no carry (NC), Maroc ISN'T beyond the tunnel boundary, so can jump out here
53836 LD A,32 Maroc has hit/passed the boundary wall.
Pre-load the value to assign to Maroc's speed to +32 = full speed left, as Maroc bounces off the wall
53838 JR 53859
LEFT boundary wall check - compare boundary wall position against Maroc's position
Vertical position check:
53840 LD A,(60234) Boundary wall's vertical (pixel) position
53843 SUB 80 Subtract 80 (pixels) from this value
53845 CP 16
53847 JP NC,53885 If the difference is >=16, it's not within Maroc's vertical 'hit box' area (jump out here)
Horizontal position check:
53850 LD A,(60232) Boundary wall's horizontal (half-character/4-pixel) position
53853 CP 24 Check vs 24 ( = 12 character squares = the left hand side of Maroc's sprite graphic)
53855 JR C,53867 If there's a carry, Maroc ISN'T beyond the tunnel boundary, so jump out here
53857 LD A,224 Maroc has hit/passed the boundary wall.
Pre-load the value to assign to Maroc's speed to 224 (-32) = full speed right, as Maroc bounces off the wall
Maroc has hit a boundary wall
53859 LD (60164),A Store Maroc's adjusted speed (after bouncing off either wall)
53862 LD A,1 Set energy drain amount to 1
53864 CALL 58316 Decrease Maroc's energy
53867 JP 53885
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