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59262: Check for UP/DOWN and FIRE control presses after a spell is selected
Used by the routine at 58945.
Also follows previous routine after the energy bar has been drawn.
Checks for an ongoing effect spell being deactivated, and for key presses once a spell has been chosen:
59262 LD A,(60134) Get spell counter
59265 LD C,A
59266 LD A,(60137) Is there currently an 'effect' spell active (e.g. SHIELD, UNSEEN)
59269 CP 0
59271 JR Z,59277
59273 CP C If there is, is the triggered spell the same as the currently active spell?
59274 JP Z,59373 If so, casting the spell will deactivate it
When a spell is selected, the player can press FIRE to activate/cast the spell, or press UP/DOWN to immediately go back to scrolling through the spell list.
Check for FIRE (activate) or UP/DOWN (back to spell list):
59277 LD A,(60210) Check if FIRE button pressed
59280 CP 1 If pressed, skip the next few instructions
59282 JR Z,59298
59284 LD A,(60158) Check if UP/DOWN pressed
59287 CP 0 If it's pressed, skip ahead to 60018
59289 JP NZ,60018
59292 CALL 56668 Nothing pressed, so continue to print the active spell's message text
59295 JP 60064 Nothing more to do at this point so jump straight to a RET statement
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