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62102: Code sheet - initialize and print security code to enter
Used by the routine at 62288.
62102 CALL 62068 Pick a code sheet reference for the code that the player has to enter
This entry point is used by the routine at 62288.
62105 CALL 3435 Clear the screen (ROM CLS routine)
62108 LD A,2 Stream type = 2
62110 CALL 5633 Open stream for printing
62113 LD BC,4379 B = character row (27), C = column (17)
62116 CALL 3545 These values are reversed and used to calculate screen address position in HL (16614) ready to print at.
62119 CALL 62056 Print the following characters/message on screen.
Return from CALL goes to instructions after the message, at 62141
Initial screen message text:
62122 DEFM "Type in number at " Message to be printed (at previous CALL)
62140 DEFB 255 End-of-string marker
Print the co-ordinates for the required code from the code sheet.
62141 LD A,(62049) Value (0-16) signifying first part of code that the player needs to enter
62144 ADD A,65 65 added to this code, to give it values of between 65 and 80
This corresponds to ASCII character codes (A to P)
62146 RST 16 Print this value on screen
62147 LD A,44 ASCII value for comma (,)
62149 RST 16 Print it
62150 LD A,(62048) Get the second part of the code (number from 0-41)
62153 CP 10 Is it <10?
62155 JR C,62191 If so, fine to go ahead and print it as it's only 1 character (0-9)
Code number value is >=10 so we'll need to print two numeric characters
The next routine identifies the first digit (D register) as 49, 50, 51 or 52 - ASCII codes for 1, 2, 3 or 4 - for the 10s digit
Then prints that followed by the following value.
62157 LD D,49 ASCII value for '1' - first digit
62159 LD E,10 Offset value for 2nd digit
62161 CP 20 Code number <20?
62163 JR C,62185
62165 LD D,50 If not, set ASCII value for '2' - first digit
62167 LD E,20 Offset value for 2nd digit
62169 CP 30 Code number <30?
62171 JR C,62185
62173 LD D,51 If not, set ASCII value for '3' - first digit
62175 LD E,30 Offset value for 2nd digit
62177 CP 40 Code number <40?
62179 JR C,62185
62181 LD D,52 If not, set ASCII value for '4' - first digit
62183 LD E,40 Offset value for 2nd digit
Print the first digit (tens) of the code:
62185 LD A,D Get the ASCII code value
62186 RST 16 Print the first code digit
62187 LD A,(62048) As it's two digits, we need to get the second
62190 SUB E So subtract the offset (the 'tens' amount) from its value (e.g. 25-20 to get 5)
Print the second digit (ones) of the code:
62191 ADD A,48 Add 48 to get to ASCII values for characters 0 to 9 (48-57)
62193 RST 16 Print the second code digit
62194 CALL 61946 Retrieve the code from the code table at 60600
2 byte code returned in DE (first - low - byte in E, second - high - byte in D)
62197 LD (61944),DE Store the code in a 2-byte holding buffer
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