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29206: Level ranks
Maroc's rank near the start of the game
Maroc's gains 'points' towards his rank by:
  • destroying creatures and warlocks
  • collecting spells (though these points are ignored - see Trivia: Maroc's rank)
  • reaching deeper dungeon levels
His RANK is made up of two parts - a descriptor e.g. LESSER, and a title, e.g. MAGICIAN.
  • Maroc starts the game as an APPRENTICE LORE SEEKER
  • The highest rank attainable is SUPREME LORE LORD
  • Maroc loses a small number of points (and rank) for repeatedly running out of energy
DESCRIPTORS advance through from APPRENTICE to SUPREME. Then the TITLE advances to the next one, and the descriptor is reset. So for example the next rank up from SUPREME LORE SEEKER is APPRENTICE WISE ONE.
The calculation and display of Maroc's rank occurs (58599) when he runs out of energy, and at the (successful) end of the game.
See the table of character byte values for a translation of letters-to-numbers.
29206 DEFB 10 Text length = 10
29207 DEFM 0,15,15,17,4,13,19,8,2,4 APPRENTICE
29217 DEFB 5 Text length = 5
29218 DEFM 12,8,13,14,17 MINOR
29223 DEFB 6 Text length = 6
29224 DEFM 11,4,18,18,4,17 LESSER
29230 DEFB 7 Text length = 7
29231 DEFM 11,4,0,17,13,4,3 LEARNED
29238 DEFB 6 Text length = 6
29239 DEFM 12,0,18,19,4,17 MASTER
29245 DEFB 5 Text length = 5
29246 DEFM 2,7,8,4,5 CHIEF
29251 DEFB 4 Text length = 4
29252 DEFM 7,8,6,7 HIGH
29256 DEFB 7 Text length = 7
29257 DEFM 18,20,15,17,4,12,4 SUPREME
29264 DEFB 11 Text length = 11
29265 DEFM 11,14,17,4,26,18,4,4,10,4,17 LORE SEEKER
29276 DEFB 8 Text length = 8
29277 DEFM 22,8,18,4,26,14,13,4 WISE ONE
29285 DEFB 11 Text length = 11
29286 DEFM 11,14,17,4,26,10,4,4,15,4,17 LORE KEEPER
29297 DEFB 6 Text length = 6
29298 DEFM 12,24,18,19,8,2 MYSTIC
29304 DEFB 9 Text length = 9
29305 DEFM 0,11,2,7,4,12,8,18,19 ALCHEMIST
29314 DEFB 4 Text length = 4
29315 DEFM 12,0,6,4 MAGE
29319 DEFB 10 Text length = 10
29320 DEFM 12,0,6,8,2,26,20,18,4,17 MAGIC USER
29330 DEFB 8 Text length = 8
29331 DEFM 2,14,13,9,20,17,14,17 CONJUROR
29339 DEFB 8 Text length = 8
29340 DEFM 12,0,6,8,2,8,0,13 MAGICIAN
29348 DEFB 4 Text length = 4
29349 DEFM 18,0,6,4 SAGE
29353 DEFB 11 Text length = 11
29354 DEFM 11,14,17,4,26,12,0,18,19,4,17 LORE MASTER
29365 DEFB 7 Text length = 7
29366 DEFM 22,0,17,11,14,2,10 WARLOCK
29373 DEFB 6 Text length = 6
29374 DEFM 22,8,25,0,17,3 WIZARD
29380 DEFB 8 Text length = 8
29381 DEFM 18,14,17,2,4,17,14,17 SORCEROR
29389 DEFB 16 Text length = 16
29390 DEFM 6,20,0,17,3,8,0,13,26,14,5,26,11,14,17,4 GUARDIAN OF LORE
29406 DEFB 9 Text length = 9
29407 DEFM 11,14,17,4,26,11,14,17,3 LORE LORD
Text printed before rank:
29416 DEFB 16 Text length = 16
29417 DEFM 24,14,20,17,26,17,0,13,10,26,8,18,26,13,14,22 YOUR RANK IS NOW
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