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49215: Run new game intro sequence
lightning flashes during intro sequence
49215 CALL 57081 Clear the scroll status panel at the bottom of the screen
Draw Maroc sprite graphic
49218 LD A,80 Set vertical pixel position (from top of playing area)
Sprite drawing loop starts here (return from 49311) - continued until Maroc passes the bottom of the playing area
49220 LD (60114),A
49223 LD A,120 Horizontal pixel position
49225 LD (60115),A
49228 LD A,1 Set graphics draw/erase flag to 1 (DRAW)
49230 LD (60111),A
49233 LD HL,(60098) Set graphics display address pointer to Maroc's sprite (38851)
49236 CALL 56216 Draw Maroc
Print intro sequence/game start text on scroll (29471)
49239 LD A,36 Intro sequence/game start message is message number #36 (at 29471)
49241 CALL 58789 Identify the address location for this text message number
49244 LD (60065),HL ...and store
49247 LD HL,20552 Set screen display address to top left of the scroll's text area
49250 LD (60068),HL ...and store
49253 CALL 58064 Call text printing routine
Erase Maroc sprite graphic
49256 LD A,0 Set graphics draw/erase flag to 1 (ERASE)
49258 LD (60111),A ...and store
49261 LD HL,(60098) Retrieve graphics address pointer
49264 CALL 56216 Erase graphic
Lightning flashes are triggered every 16 pixels that Maroc's sprite moves down the screen.
49267 LD A,(60114) Get vertical (Y) pixel co-ordinate
49270 AND 15 Check the last 4 bits (0-15) to see if value = 0
49272 JR NZ,49305 If not, jump out here and continue to move Maroc downwards.
If so, continue to next routine (lightning flash effects)
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