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B32B: Graphics - Lady
The Lady's head appears on a wall in the Labyrinth. She faces in the direction of the room in which you can find the sword, Caliburn.
Casting the MESSAGE spell provides the clue for this (see 7153).
B32B DEFB %00000001 Graphic properties
B32C DEFB $02 Graphic consists of 2 tiles
B32D DEFB $F8 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
B32E DEFB $F7 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-9 pixels)
B32F DEFB $14 Graphic consists of 20 bytes
B330 DEFB $07,$08,$08,$10,$1F,$08,$0B,$10 TEST-UDG-351
B338 DEFB $18,$08,$0C,$08,$07,$E1,$A2,$A2
B340 DEFB $04,$E0,$A1,$A0
B344 DEFB $00 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (0 pixels)
B345 DEFB $F7 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-9 pixels)
B346 DEFB $14 Graphic consists of 20 bytes
B347 DEFB $E0,$18,$04,$04,$82,$62,$21,$21 TEST-UDG-352
B34F DEFB $21,$21,$41,$42,$42,$42,$42,$41
B357 DEFB $41,$81,$01,$02
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