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EA1D: Spell selected that is the same as the active 'effect' spell (e.g. SHIELD, UNSEEN)
Used by the routines at E641 and E7FD.
EA1D LD A,$38 This value (56) indicates the spell selected is an ongoing 'effect' spell
EA22 CALL $DD5C Start printing the selected spell message text
After the initial spell selection, player controls are limited to either (a) UP/DOWN to cancel the spell casting and return to the spell menu, or (b) FIRE again to confirm & cast the spell
Check if UP/DOWN pressed:
EA25 LD A,($EAFE) Check up/down control value
EA28 CP $00 If the player presses UP or DOWN, spell casting is cancelled. Remove the FLASHing attributes in the top right of scroll, clear the scroll and and re-print the spell list
Check if FIRE pressed:
EA2C LD A,($EB32) Check if FIRE pressed
EA2F CP $00 If NOT pressed, jump straight to the RET statement to continue the game. Otherwise continue to the next routine that deactivates the effect.
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