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EBF0: Music data
music score for Avalon intro theme small
Avalon music score - click image to open a larger version in a new browser tab/window
Used by the music playing routine at E5B6.
Each played note is the same duration. Each pair of bytes (e.g. 190, 190) determine the frequencies for two separate notes, played together.
Where the numbers differ (e.g. 190, 160) you hear a two-note chord sound.
The first set of data is the main theme tune played for the intro of a new game, and also on a permanent loop when the player completes the game:
EBF0 DEFB $BE,$BE,$7F,$7F,$50,$50,$7F,$7F Bar 1
EBF8 DEFB $BE,$BE,$7F,$7F,$50,$50,$7F,$7F Bar 1 (repeat)
EC00 DEFB $BE,$BE,$BE,$A0,$5F,$50,$AA,$8F Bar 2
EC08 DEFB $BE,$A0,$AA,$8F,$BE,$A0,$AA,$8F Bar 3
EC10 DEFB $7F,$6B,$7F,$6B,$7F,$7F,$8F,$8F Bar 4
EC18 DEFB $7F,$6B,$7F,$6B,$7F,$7F,$78,$78 Bar 5
EC20 DEFB $BE,$A0,$BE,$A0,$AA,$8F,$AA,$8F Bar 6
EC28 DEFB $A0,$7F,$A0,$7F,$8F,$78,$8F,$78 Bar 7
EC30 DEFB $BE,$BE,$7F,$7F,$50,$50,$7F,$7F Bar 8
EC38 DEFB $BE,$BE,$7F,$7F,$50,$50,$7F,$7F Bar 8 (repeat)
EC40 DEFB $5F,$5F,$6B,$6B,$78,$78,$7F,$6B Bar 9
EC48 DEFB $8F,$78,$A0,$7F,$A0,$7F,$BE,$A0 Bar 10
EC50 DEFB $BE,$A0,$BE,$A0,$2F,$2F,$3C,$3C Bar 11
EC58 DEFB $40,$40,$50,$50,$5F,$5F,$7F,$7F Bar 12
EC60 DEFB $A0,$A0,$BE,$5F,$BE,$5F,$5F,$5F Bar 13
EC68 DEFB $BE,$BE,$BE,$BE,$BE,$BE,$BE,$BE Bar 14
EC70 DEFB $FF,$FF 255 = End markers
This short set of music plays when you pause the game (pause routine at C763):
EC72 DEFB $F0,$BE,$D6,$D6,$BE,$A0,$B4,$B4
EC7A DEFB $BE,$A0,$B4,$8F,$78,$78,$8F,$8F
EC82 DEFB $B4,$B4,$7F,$7F,$A0,$A0,$B4,$B4
EC8A DEFB $A0,$A0,$D6,$B4,$BE,$BE,$D6,$D6
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