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A17E: Graphics - Spell icons
spell icon
Flashing icons that appear in the top right of the scroll (e.g. the staff head in the above image for the MOVE spell) when a spell is in effect.
The scroll icon (A140) is used as an icon for the rest of the spells whose icons aren't listed here.
AMULET (icon for AMULET spell)
A17E DEFB %00000001 Graphic properties
A17F DEFB $02 Graphic consists of 2 tiles
Amulet - left side
A180 DEFB $F8 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
A181 DEFB $F9 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-7 pixels)
A182 DEFB $10 Graphic consists of 16 bytes
A183 DEFB $07,$18,$27,$4E,$5D,$9D,$BD,$BE TEST-UDG-172
A18B DEFB $B8,$BE,$9E,$5E,$46,$23,$18,$07
Amulet - right side
A193 DEFB $00 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (0 pixels)
A194 DEFB $F9 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-7 pixels)
A195 DEFB $10 Graphic consists of 16 bytes
A196 DEFB $E0,$18,$E4,$72,$BA,$B9,$BD,$7D TEST-UDG-173
A19E DEFB $1D,$7D,$79,$7A,$62,$C4,$18,$E0
CHALICE (icon for CHALICE spell)
A1A6 DEFB %00000001 Graphic properties
A1A7 DEFB $02 Graphic consists of 2 tiles
Chalice - left side
A1A8 DEFB $F8 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
A1A9 DEFB $F9 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-7 pixels)
A1AA DEFB $0F Graphic consists of 15 bytes
A1AB DEFB $12,$45,$2F,$3F,$5F,$38,$FB,$1B TEST-UDG-174
A1B3 DEFB $FD,$3D,$FE,$1E,$3E,$4D,$1B
Chalice - right side
A1BA DEFB $00 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (0 pixels)
A1BB DEFB $F9 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-7 pixels)
A1BC DEFB $0F Graphic consists of 15 bytes
A1BD DEFB $48,$D4,$FC,$FD,$FE,$0C,$E8,$EF TEST-UDG-175
A1C5 DEFB $DE,$98,$BE,$B8,$BC,$DF,$C8
Ring (icon for SERVANT spell)
A1CC DEFB %00000001 Graphic properties
A1CD DEFB $01 Graphic consists of 1 tile
A1CE DEFB $FC Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-4 pixels)
A1CF DEFB $FD Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-3 pixels)
A1D0 DEFB $08 Graphic consists of 8 bytes
A1D1 DEFB $3C,$7E,$E7,$C3,$C3,$E7,$7E,$3C
Staff head (icon for MOVE spell)
A1D9 DEFB %00000001 Graphic properties
A1DA DEFB $01 Graphic consists of 1 tile
A1DB DEFB $FC Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-4 pixels)
A1DC DEFB $F8 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
A1DD DEFB $10 Graphic consists of 16 bytes
A1DE DEFB $3E,$6B,$6B,$7F,$22,$3E,$1C,$1C
A1E6 DEFB $1C,$1C,$1C,$1C,$1C,$1C,$1C,$1C
A1EE DEFB $01 Graphic properties
A1EF DEFB $01 Graphic consists of 1 tile
A1F0 DEFB $FC Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-4 pixels)
A1F1 DEFB $FD Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-3 pixels)
A1F2 DEFB $08 Graphic consists of 8 bytes
A1F3 DEFB $18,$34,$72,$F1,$8F,$4E,$2C,$18
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