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B4C1: Graphics - Portal Floor Symbol and Door
Portal floor symbol
portal floor symbol
Place each of the element symbols (B419) on this floor circle to reveal the portal door that will take you to the High Temple of Chaos.
B4C1 DEFB %00000001 Graphic properties
B4C2 DEFB $03 Graphic consists of 3 tiles
B4C3 DEFB $F6 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-10 pixels)
B4C4 DEFB $FA Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-6 pixels)
B4C5 DEFB $0D Graphic consists of 13 bytes
B4C6 DEFB $03,$1C,$21,$46,$98,$A0,$CF,$A0 TEST-UDG-374
B4CE DEFB $98,$46,$21,$1C,$03
B4D3 DEFB $FE Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-2 pixels)
B4D4 DEFB $FA Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-6 pixels)
B4D5 DEFB $0D Graphic consists of 13 bytes
B4D6 DEFB $FE,$51,$8C,$23,$20,$20,$DF,$20 TEST-UDG-375
B4DE DEFB $20,$23,$8C,$51,$FE
B4E3 DEFB $06 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (+6 pixels)
B4E4 DEFB $FB Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-5 pixels)
B4E5 DEFB $0B Graphic consists of 11 bytes
B4E6 DEFB $C0,$20,$10,$C8,$28,$98,$28,$C8 TEST-UDG-376
B4EE DEFB $10,$20,$C0
Portal door
portal door
The portal door that takes you to the High Temple of Chaos.
B4F1 DEFB %00000001 Graphic properties
B4F2 DEFB $02 Graphic consists of 2 tiles
B4F3 DEFB $F8 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
B4F4 DEFB $E9 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-23 pixels)
B4F5 DEFB $20 Graphic consists of 32 bytes
B4F6 DEFB $2A,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80 TEST-UDG-377
B4FE DEFB $00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80
B506 DEFB $00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80
B50E DEFB $00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80
B516 DEFB $00 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (0 pixels)
B517 DEFB $E9 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-23 pixels)
B518 DEFB $20 Graphic consists of 32 bytes
B519 DEFB $AA,$01,$00,$01,$00,$01,$00,$01 TEST-UDG-378
B521 DEFB $00,$01,$00,$01,$00,$01,$00,$01
B529 DEFB $00,$01,$00,$01,$00,$01,$00,$01
B531 DEFB $00,$01,$00,$01,$00,$01,$00,$01
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