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B539: Graphics - Avelach, Lord of Chaos
The (cube-like) manifestation of Avelach, Lord of Chaos...! Found in room 212 in the High Temple of Chaos.
Strike with the sword, Caliburn (A164), to complete the game.
B539 DEFB %00000001 Graphic properties
B53A DEFB $02 Graphic consists of 2 tiles
B53B DEFB $F8 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
B53C DEFB $FF Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-1 pixel)
B53D DEFB $12 Graphic consists of 18 bytes
B53E DEFB $7F,$55,$EA,$DD,$DA,$B0,$DC,$B3 TEST-UDG-379
B546 DEFB $D3,$B8,$DA,$AE,$DF,$AE,$DF,$7F
B54E DEFB $7F,$0F
B550 DEFB $00 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (0 pixels)
B551 DEFB $FF Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-1 pixel)
B552 DEFB $12 Graphic consists of 18 bytes
B553 DEFB $F8,$54,$AA,$56,$2B,$07,$17,$37 TEST-UDG-380
B55B DEFB $37,$87,$DF,$1F,$FF,$1F,$FF,$FF
B563 DEFB $FE,$F8
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