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CF3E: Goblin warrior - check if movement is affected by Maroc's magic power
Used by the routine at CDD7.
goblin reacting to FLAME spell
Goblin warriors become apprehensive of Maroc if he's cast any slightly powerful spell (also see Trivia - Creatures spooked by Maroc's magic. This affects their movement patterns and can keep them at bay.
CF3E LD A,($EB4E) (Creature) properties byte
CF41 AND $01 Bit 0 (1) indicates whether the creature is visible on-screen
CF43 JR Z,$CF0B If not, don't need to do anything to change the creature's movement (yet)
CF45 LD A,($EAEC) Get the currently active spell
CF48 CP $05 Check if spell number >=5
CF4A JP NC,$CE4F If so, goblin will be nervous..! Change goblin movement pattern
Maroc is not wielding powerful magic, so the goblin can continue its standard movement pattern - this is a continuous horizontal movement, with vertical movement zig-zagging every 8th game cycle:
goblin warrior movement pattern
CF4D LD A,($EAAA) Game timer/counter
CF50 AND $07 Check bits 0-2 (values 0-7)
CF52 JP Z,$CF0B If zero, it's an 8th game cycle so change vertical direction
CF55 JP $D04B ...Otherwise continue in same direction
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