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EAAA: Data buffer - game data (various)
EAAA DEFB $00 Game cycle timer. Multi use throughout the program, e.g.:
  • to affect the delay before creatures follow Maroc into a room (C8DC)
  • to slow down animation rate slightly (E336)
  • to decide room item/creature movement (CBA8)
  • to create intervals between creature footstep sounds (CD88)
EAAB DEFB $00 Maroc's sprite's horizontal facing/movement direction, set when Maroc enters a new room
Set to 2 (facing left) or 254(-2) (facing right) depending on check at C370
EAAC DEFB $00 Maroc's sprite's vertical facing/movement direction, set when Maroc enters a new room
Set to 1 at start of main routine at C6C5 if Maroc is in a tunnel - this sets Maroc facing upwards
Set to 254(-2) (facing downwards) at C370 if Maroc is entering through a door at the top of the room (on the back wall)
EAAD DEFW $0000 Pointer to room item event data table at 7FB3
Initialized/copied from EB6C at routine at C139
EAAF DEFB $00 Door graphic's horizontal pixel graphic offset value copied here in the door handling routine at C9AB
EAB0 DEFB $00 Room number. Copied from EAB7 at BF94 when new game loaded
Set to 1 to return to start room when Maroc's energy = 0 at D947
255 = Room number needs calculating from the door Maroc has just gone through (6790)
Set to 255 at end of a tunnel at D18E and at CA7D when Maroc leaves a room (value checked at DA1D)
EAB1 DEFB $00 Bytes 0-3 of the pre-graphics byte (see Graphic properties)
Indicates animation frames - i.e. the number of addresses to step over from the base address in the table at 97C3 for the required frame
EAB2 DEFW $0000 Graphics address pointer for the graphics address pointer table at 97C3.
EAB4 DEFB $01 The connecting room set number (from 6790)
Used in routine that checks for pursuing creatures at C902 and the tunnel setup at C5B5
EAB5 DEFW $0000 Address pointer for the connecting door set number at 6790
EAB7 DEFB $01 Room number. Starting room is #1
Identifies the room data set containing the room size and scenery data at 61A9
EAB8 DEFB $00 - (unused)
EAB9 DEFB $3C - (unused)
EABA DEFB $00 - (unused)
EABB DEFB $40 - (unused)
EABC DEFW $0000 (Copy of) pointer to data in room item data tables stored at 7C00.
EABE DEFW $0000 Address pointer buffer for the above - (Copy of) pointer to room item data at 7C00
Also used for foreground scenery data at 7F01 in routine at D504
EAC0 DEFB $1D Maroc's horizontal (X-axis) screen position.
This value is calculated from left of screen (in border) in half-character (4 pixel) squares, so the value of 29 is halfway into character column 15
EAC1 DEFB $4A Maroc's vertical (Y-axis) pixel position.
This value is calculated from the top of the play area, starting immediately below the 2 character top decorative border (74 pixels down from here, or 90 pixels from the very top of the screen).
EAC2 DEFW $0000 Maroc's sprite frame - graphic address pointer (from 97C3)
EAC4 DEFW $0000 Maroc's shadow - graphic address pointer (98B7)
EAC6 DEFB $00 Flag indicating whether the fire button (flag at EB32) is held down
Used as a control to ensure the player releases the fire button before pressing it again
Used/checked in routine at C728
EAC7 DEFB $00 General all-purpose counter byte:
  • Set to 128 as a sound effect loop counter during lightning effect in routine at C07A
  • Graphic tile counter (number of tiles the current graphic consists of) in the 'mirror graphics' routine at E12A
  • Scroll line text counter (0-5) for printing the spells, checked at DF95
  • Number of spell 'charge' icons to print on the scroll at E732
  • Set to 14 to clear 14 character rows of the playing area at E25B
  • Text message number for Maroc's rank (see Trivia: Maroc's rank) calculated in the routine at E560
EAC8 DEFB $00 Counter for the number of times Maroc has died
Affects Maroc's rank (see Trivia: Maroc's rank) which is calculated in the routine at E4E7.
EAC9 DEFB $00 Level text number (7172), calculated using the room number in the lookup table at C6A4
Value also used at D651 to identify the warlock number (6C7C) for this level
EACA DEFB $00 - (unused)
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