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6C7C: Warlock and other creatures - stats and attributes
See Reference - Creatures for a glossary about each type of creature in Avalon.
Data for the 7 warlocks that periodically materialize on the walls in Avalon's rooms. Address pointer to this data is stored at EBC3.
Byte Value
1 INK/attribute colour of warlock, 1-7. Byte value of 15 (bit 3 set) means warlock constantly changes colour
2 If Maroc destroys a warlock, this value changes from 0 to 1. If this byte is >0, Maroc's score (calculated at E512) is increased by warlock number * 4 (e.g. warlock #2 is worth 8, warlock #7 is worth 28)
3 Type of missile/bolt (6CDC) that this warlock fires
4 Object (see table at 736F, starting at object #1) that this warlock is carrying
This byte value is set to 16 once a trade is made with this warlock
5 The matching missile/bolt spell type(s) that can destroy this warlock. See byte #4 in data sets at 6CDC
6 Warlock 'aggression'. Likelihood of this warlock firing a missile at Maroc. The higher the value, the higher the likelihood. Checked at CEFB.
Also used as the value for event checking at DFCD for items traded with the warlock
7 Graphic number - address pointer to warlock graphics at 983B
8 Amount of damage dealt if Maroc collides with this warlock (not common as the warlocks stay within the room's wall area)
Also the level number that this warlock appears on (see C6A4)
Warlocks grant items when given certain other items. The items can also be gained by destroying the warlock with a spell to which they are vulnerable.
6C7C DEFB $06,$00,$01,$01,$03,$06,$3D,$01 Yellow warlock in the Gatehouse Level
Destroy with MISSILE
Carries: star symbol, used to create an energy restoration point in room #2 on the Gatehouse Level
Score earned for destroying = 4
6C84 DEFB $04,$00,$04,$02,$27,$0E,$3D,$02 Green warlock in the Caverns of Doom
Carries: WAYSTONE spell jewel
Score earned for destroying = 8
6C8C DEFB $05,$00,$03,$03,$27,$12,$3D,$03 Cyan warlock in the Mines of Madness
Carries: ICEBOLT spell scroll
Score earned for destroying = 12
6C94 DEFB $03,$00,$05,$04,$2B,$16,$3D,$04 Magenta warlock in the Great Halls of the Deep
Destroy with ICEBOLT or ELECTRIC
Carries: WRAITHBANE spell jewel
Score earned for destroying = 16
6C9C DEFB $01,$00,$06,$05,$2F,$1E,$3D,$05 Blue warlock in the Goblin Warren
Destroy with VAPORIZE
Carries: ELECTRIC spell scroll
Score earned for destroying = 20
Much of the goblin warren has a blue background so this warlock is invisible
6CA4 DEFB $02,$00,$08,$06,$2B,$22,$3D,$06 Red warlock in the Labyrinth
Destroy with ICEBOLT or ELECTRIC
Carries: FIREBALL spell scroll
Score earned for destroying = 24
6CAC DEFB $0F,$00,$08,$07,$2F,$26,$3D,$07 Colour-changing warlock in the Catacombs of the Undead
Destroy with VAPORIZE
Carries: FLAME spell scroll
Score earned for destroying = 28
Individual creature attributes copied to working area at EBA5.
Byte Value
1 INK/attribute colour of creature, 1-7. Byte value of 15 (bit 3 set) means warlock constantly changes colour
2 Number of these creatures that Maroc has destroyed
3 Type of missile (6CDC) fired (0 = no ranged attack)
4 - (unused)
5 Collision/event check type (DFCD)
6 Collision/event check value for creatures opening/closing doors (17)
7 Graphic number - address pointer to creature graphic in table at 97C3
8 Amount of damage this creature does to Maroc's energy (check at D074)
6CB4 DEFB $04,$00,$00,$00,$03,$11,$40,$08 Guardian of Chaos
6CBC DEFB $05,$00,$00,$00,$03,$11,$46,$02 Goblin warrior
6CC4 DEFB $06,$00,$01,$00,$03,$11,$4C,$01 Goblin missile thrower
6CCC DEFB $0F,$00,$00,$00,$07,$11,$52,$10 Wraith
6CD4 DEFB $00,$00,$09,$00,$07,$11,$58,$20 Demon
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