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EACB: Data buffer - graphic working data
Graphic working data buffer - most used in graphic draw/erase routine at DB98
EACB DEFB $00 Graphic's horizontal screen position, in pixels - copied to EAD3 at D2BC
EACC DEFB $00 High byte for the item's horizontal screen position
Acts as an overflow/precision value for large/small values when this item's horizontal room position is calculated at C841
EACD DEFW $0000 Graphics address pointer (table at 97C3)
EACF DEFB $00 Multi use flag/counter:
Draw/erase flag (0 = Erase, 1 = Draw), used in draw routine at DC3A
Used as lightning flash counter (6) for intro sequence at lightning flash routine at C07A.
EAD0 DEFB $00 Number of tiles that make up the sprite/graphic to draw
EAD1 DEFB $00 Number of bytes in the graphic tile to draw
EAD2 DEFB $00 Store for graphic's vertical position, in pixels, from top of playing area
EAD3 DEFB $00 Store for graphic's horizontal position, in pixels, calculated from second character column on left of screen (the right half of the left decorative border)
EAD4 DEFB $00 High byte indicating the screen for the graphic's horizontal pixel position above
For objects in the room and visible on screen, this is 0
For objects off-screen, 1 = right of the current viewport, 255 = to the left
Calculated at C816 when setting up objects
EAD5 DEFB $00 Flag indicating whether (any part of) graphic is visible on screen
  • Set to 0 at the beginning of the graphic drawing routine at DB9E
  • Set to 1 in the same routine if any part of graphic is drawn (DBF7)
  • Appended as bit 0 to the graphic properties byte (EBA8) after drawing (or not drawing) graphic attributes at D29C
EAD6 DEFB $00 Byte copied from EB4B at D2C2
Indicates whether room item is in a standard room or tunnel
Stored as byte 9 of each room item data set at 7C00
EAD7 DEFB $00 - (unused)
EAD8 DEFB $00 - (unused)
EAD9 DEFB $00 - (unused)
EADA DEFB $00 - (unused)
EADB DEFB $00 - (unused)
EADC DEFB $00 - (unused)
EADD DEFB $00 - (unused)
EADE DEFW $0000 Screen display address position for printing spell list/pointer arrow on scroll (DF33)
EAE0 DEFB $00 Maroc's energy - 0-255
Set to 128 (half the energy bar) at new game start (C0CE)
Each 16 points of energy corresponds to one character of the energy bar graphic (AEF3)
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