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C0C1: Place/replace Maroc in the start room
Used by the routine at C099.
This routine is launched:
  • after the short intro sequence that runs after starting a new game
  • when Maroc has run out of energy
The routine plays the theme music, resets some of Maroc's game data and returns him to the start room.
C0C1 LD A,$01 Set flag indicating which music data to point to (1 = main theme music). The music data is stored at EBF0.
C0C3 CALL $E5B6 Play music
C0C8 LD ($EBB4),A Decrementing timer before a warlock might appear in Maroc's room
C0CB LD ($EBB5),A Decrementing timer before a creature might wander into the room from an adjacent one
C0CE LD A,$80
C0D0 LD ($EAE0),A Maroc's energy - maximum is 255 but he starts with half a full energy bar
C0D3 LD A,$00
C0D5 LD ($EC9C),A FREEZE spell timer (0 = FREEZE spell not active)
C0D8 LD ($ECA1),A Maroc's height offset (his movement speed affects his height above his shadow)
C0DB LD ($EAE1),A Spell selection byte - start in spell menu, with no spell selected
C0DE LD ($EAEC),A Temp store for spell number pointer. Only the MOVE spell is available at the start of the game
C0E1 LD ($EBD5),A Energy drain/heal amount for ongoing effect spells, e.g. SHIELD (drain) or CHALICE (heal)
C0E4 LD ($EAE9),A Currently active 'effect' spell (e.g. UNSEEN, SHIELD)
C0E7 LD ($EAE2),A Store for spell counter used in checking spells collected at E6BE
C0EA LD A,$4A Maroc's vertical (Y-axis) screen position, in pixels, from top of play area just below border
C0EF LD A,$47 Maroc's default colour attributes (71 = INK 7, PAPER 0, BRIGHT 1)
C0F1 LD ($EAA7),A
C0F4 LD A,$40 Maroc's vertical pixel starting position in the room
C0F6 LD ($EB74),A
C0F9 LD A,$01
C0FB LD ($EAB4),A The connecting door set number in the table at 6790 (set 1)
C0FE LD ($EAB7),A Room number = 1
C101 LD HL,($EB65) Memory address pointer for spell list data at 6DFC
C104 LD ($EAE3),HL Copy to spell name pointer buffer
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