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EBC5: Store for currently selected spell data
16 bytes of spell data for the current selected spell. Copied from 6DFC in routine at E702 and copied back at routine at EA8C.
The first set of 8 bytes contains the spell data:
EBC5 DEFB $00 Set to 16 if this spell has been acquired, 0 if not yet acquired
EBC6 DEFB $00 Energy cost of casting spell
'Effect' spells (e.g. SHIELD, UNSEEN) - energy drain amount
Healing spells (e.g. ENERGIZE, CHALICE) - energy restoration amount (essentially a 'negative drain')
EBC7 DEFB $00 Spell type:
1 = MOVE spell
2 = Spell that generates a controllable graphic/icon, e.g. SERVANT, MISSILE, OPEN
3 = Assigned to the ELECTRIC and FLAME spells
4 = Ongoing effect spell (e.g. SHIELD, WRAITHBANE), spell name appears in bottom right mini-scroll
5 = Instant effect spell e.g. ENERGIZE, FREEZE, PORTAL
EBC8 DEFB $00 Number of 'charges' left for casting the spell (255 = infinite uses)
EBC9 DEFB $00 Character number within the current spell message text (at 6FBC)
When a spell is activated, the message isn't printed all at once, but letter by letter
Also used for level name texts
EBCA DEFB $00 Relates to the servant/eye cursor spells and the event/action to take place when the spell is active. Values:
  • Missile/bolt spells = 128 + missile number, in table at 6CDC. e.g. MISSILE = 128 + 4 = 132
  • Other cursor spells: DISPEL = 2, UNLOCK = 4, SERVANT = 5, FIND = 8, OPEN = 10, REVEAL = 16
For the second set of these, the value is stored as the second byte of the room item event table at 7FB3
Room items are affected by moving these active cursors over particular objects/areas (e.g. OPEN/UNLOCK vs certain doors)
EBCB DEFB $00 Graphic number - in the graphics pointer table (at 97C3) - for the spell's icon to use on the scroll (e.g. A17E)
EBCC DEFB $00 Graphic number - for the graphics pointer table (at 97C3) for the spell's controllable graphic/aiming cursor (or 0 if a spell doesn't need one).
For the SERVANT spell, offset is 41 (graphics pointer 9813 pointing to servant graphics at A0DC)
For all other 'aiming cursor' spells (e.g. UNLOCK, MISSILE, OPEN, FIND, ICEBOLT) spell offset is 43 (graphics pointer 9817 pointing to blinking eye cursor graphics at A105)
The second set of 8 bytes contains the spell name
EBCD DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
Finally the energy cost/effect of the spell:
EBD5 DEFB $00 Energy drain/heal amount for constant effects spells, e.g. SHIELD (drain) or CHALICE (heal) - actioned in routine at D64B
This is stored in byte 2 of the spell data (EBC6) which is copied here at E7E4 when spell is activated
Also, casting cost for instant effect spells - spells such as WAYSTONE, FLAME take energy to cast
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