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C0A3: Maroc out of energy - clear scroll, calculate & print rank
Used by the routine at DA4D.
flashing icon while spell is active
C0A3 LD A,($EAE1) Check if any spell was active before Maroc ran out of energy
C0A6 CP $10 Any value above 16 means there's some sort of spell in effect, and there's a flashing icon in the top right of the scroll.
C0AA CALL $EA72 If a spell was active, clear the 4 FLASHing attributes in the top right of the scroll
Clear any active spell text in the 'mini-scroll' in the bottom right of the screen (pixels)
ongoing effect spell in small scroll in bottom right of the screen
C0AD LD L,$F8 Low byte of screen display address
C0AF LD A,$08 8 character squares to clear
C0B1 LD B,$08 8 pixel lines to clear in each square
C0B3 LD H,$50 High byte of screen display address
C0B5 LD (HL),$00 Clear byte on screen
C0B7 INC H Move down one pixel
C0B8 DJNZ $C0B5 Repeat for 8 pixel lines
C0BA INC L Move right one character square
C0BC JR NZ,$C0B1 ..and repeat for 8 character squares
C0BE CALL $E4E7 Calculate Maroc's rank and print it on screen
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