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EBAD: Game data buffer - warlock and creature attributes/data
Various bits of warlock and creature data, used in-game.
EBAD DEFB $00 Warlock's "aggression" - this is byte 6 of the warlock's data set at 6C7C
Affects the delay in a warlock appearing on-screen, and the frequency of the missiles it fires at Maroc
EBAE DEFB $00 Room object number in table at 736F
Copied from EB46 in routine at CD37 after non-tradeable item given to warlock
Object number held by warlock copied from EBA8 in routine at CE79
EBAF DEFB $00 Byte containing attribute/colour and value of item, copied from EB8B in routine at CD3F after non-tradeable item given to warlock
EBB0 DEFB $00 - (unused)
EBB1 DEFB $00 Servant object-carrying status:
0 = servant is not carrying an object
1 = servant is carrying an object
2 = servant has just picked up an object from Maroc's backpack (stops items continuously swapping while the servant is hovering over Maroc's backpack)
EBB2 DEFB $00 - (unused)
EBB3 DEFB $00 - (unused)
EBB4 DEFB $00 Timer affecting how long before a warlock is likely to materialize in the current room
  • Decremented and checked at D666
  • Reset to 255 at the start of a new game (C0C6)
  • 64 added as a 'top up' to the timer when Maroc enters a new room (C4E0)
  • Set to 144 when warlock moves off-screen (CEDB)
  • Set to 8 after HAIL spell cast (D8CE)
  • Set to 224 after object has been successfully traded with the warlock (CFC8)
EBB5 DEFB $00 Timer indicating how long before a creature is likely to wander in from an adjacent room
  • Decremented and checked at C90C
  • Reset to 255 at the start of a new game (C0C6)
  • 128 added as a 'top up' to the timer when Maroc enters a new room (C4E0)
EBB6 DEFB $00 Number of creatures in current room (max 3)
EBB7 DEFB $00 Multi-use:
  • Contains the room creature byte (from table at 6B8C) indicating which creatures are in a room
  • Set to 7 as a max counter for a room's interactable objects at C42A
EBB8 DEFB $00 Creature's horizontal position (in 4-pixel steps) in room, after entering through a door
Calculated from the door's horizontal position at C98C
EBB9 DEFB $00 Creature's vertical pixel position in room, after entering through a door
Calculated from the door's vertical position at C98C
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