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C460: Set up the room's creatures
Used by the routine at C42A.
Run after previous routine setting up interactable objects for the room has finished.
Identifies creatures (by creature type) in the current room using the table at 6B8C. Number and types of creature in each room is stored in a single byte. Sets up creature data and copies it into the room data sets at 7C00.
C460 LD A,$00 Set number of creatures in current room to 0
C462 LD ($EBB6),A
C465 LD HL,($DAF0) Address pointer for room creature data table at 6B8C
C468 LD A,($EAB7) Get room number
C46B DEC A Offset starts from 0 not 1, so reduce by 1
C46C LD E,A Create offset for data sets
C46D LD D,$00
C46F ADD HL,DE Add to base address at 6B8C so that pointer is at current room's creatures
Check for any GUARDIANS OF CHAOS in the current room
C470 LD A,(HL) Get the creature byte for this room
C471 LD ($EBB7),A ...and store
C474 AND %11000000 Top two bits (6 & 7) contain the count of any guardians of chaos in the room
C476 JR Z,$C48E If there aren't any, skip to the next check
Set up GUARDIANS OF CHAOS in the current room
C478 RLA Shift top two bits into bits 0 & 1 to get the guardian of chaos room count (1-3)
C479 RLA
C47B AND $03
C47D LD ($EAF1),A Store the current room's creature count for this creature
C480 LD A,$08 Creature type = 8 (guardian of chaos)
C482 CALL $E16A Set up this creature's data (room position & graphics)
C485 CALL $E0B0 Copy the creature's data into one of the room item data sets at 7C00
C488 LD A,($EAF1) Retrieve the count of these creatures for the current room
C48B DEC A ...and reduce by 1
C48C JR NZ,$C47D If count of this creature in the room is still > 0, repeat for others
Check for any GOBLIN WARRIORS in the current room
C48E LD A,($EBB7) Retrieve the room data byte containing the creature information
C491 AND %00110000 Bits 4 & 5 contain the count of any goblin warriors in this room
C493 JR Z,$C4AC If there aren't any, skip to the next check
Set up GOBLIN WARRIORS in the current room
C495 RRA Shift bits into bits 0 & 1 to get the goblin warrior count (1-3)
C496 RRA
C497 RRA
C498 RRA
C499 AND $03
C49B LD ($EAF1),A Store the current room's creature count for this creature
C49E LD A,$09 Creature type = 9 (goblin warrior)
C4A0 CALL $E16A Set up this creature's data (room position & graphics)
C4A3 CALL $E0B0 Copy the creature's data into one of the room item data sets at 7C00
C4A6 LD A,($EAF1) Retrieve the count of these creatures for the current room
C4A9 DEC A ...and reduce by 1
C4AA JR NZ,$C49B If count of this creature in the room is still > 0, repeat for others
Check for any GOBLIN MISSILE THROWERS in the current room
C4AC LD A,($EBB7) Retrieve the room data byte containing the creature information
C4AF AND %00001100 Bits 2 & 3 contain the count of any goblin missile throwers in this room
C4B1 JR Z,$C4C8 If there aren't any, skip to the next check
Set up GOBLIN MISSILE THROWERS in the current room
C4B3 RRA Shift bits into bits 0 & 1 to get the goblin missile throwers count (1-3)
C4B5 AND $03
C4B7 LD ($EAF1),A Store the current room's creature count for this creature
C4BA LD A,$0A Creature type = 10 (goblin missile thrower)
C4BC CALL $E16A Set up this creature's data (room position & graphics)
C4BF CALL $E0B0 Copy the creature's data into one of the room item data sets at 7C00
C4C2 LD A,($EAF1) Retrieve the count of these creatures for the current room
C4C5 DEC A ...and reduce by 1
C4C6 JR NZ,$C4B7 If count of this creature in the room is still > 0, repeat for others
Check for any WRAITHS in the current room
C4C8 LD A,($EBB7) Retrieve the room data byte containing the creature information
C4CB AND %00000011 Bits 0 & 1 contain the count of any wraiths in this room, so filter out the other bits
C4CD JR Z,$C4E0 If there aren't any, skip these setup instructions
Set up WRAITHS in the current room
C4CF LD ($EAF1),A Store the current room's creature count for this creature
C4D2 LD A,$0B Creature type = 11 (wraith)
C4D4 CALL $E16A Set up this creature's data (room position & graphics)
C4D7 CALL $E0B0 Copy the creature's data into one of the room item data sets at 7C00
C4DA LD A,($EAF1) Retrieve the count of these creatures for the current room
C4DD DEC A ...and reduce by 1
C4DE JR NZ,$C4CF If count of this creature in the room is still > 0, repeat for others
When Maroc moves room, two 'creature appearance' timers are topped up slightly to avoid an immediate appearance in the new room:
  • EBB4 = Timer affecting how long before a warlock is likely to materialize in the current room
  • EBB5 = Timer affecting how long before a creature is likely to wander in from an adjacent room
In both cases, the carry check (JR C) ensures that the timer's bits don't wrap around to zero
C4E0 LD A,($EBB4)
C4E3 ADD A,$40 Add 64 to the warlock appearance timer
C4E7 LD ($EBB4),A
C4ED ADD A,$80 Add 128 to the wandering creature timer
C4F1 LD ($EBB5),A
Finish the creature data set:
C4F4 LD HL,($EABE) Address pointer to room item (creature) data set at 7C00
C4F7 LD (HL),$FF Mark the start of the next set with an end-of-data byte
C4F9 LD ($EB72),HL ...and store the address pointer to the next set, ready for more data
C4FC LD A,$00
C4FE LD ($EBB7),A Reset the number-of-creatures-in-room counter to zero
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