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CF99: Warlock or creature - materialization & disintegration events
Used by the routine at CD88.
Materialization or disintegration routine - warlocks/demons materializing, or creatures disintegrating.
This routine determines the post-materialization/disintegration actions to take. This information is held in bits 5-7 of the creature properties byte (EB4E).
CF99 LD A,($EB50) Graphic frame number/offset
CF9C AND $07 Only bits 0-2 (values 0-7) needed for the number of frames
CF9E CP $07 There are 6 animation frames in the materialization graphics (A847). Have we reached frame #7?
CFA0 JP NZ,$D27D If not, jump out of routine at this point
Final materialization/disintegration frame has been reached.
CFA3 LD A,($EB4E) Creature/room item properties byte
CFA6 LD C,A Temp store in C register
CFA7 AND $07 Filter out/resets bits 4-7
CFA9 OR $05 Set bits 0 (indicating creature is on-screen) and 2 (indicating creature will need to be erased before drawing)
CFAB LD ($EB4E),A ...and re-store.
This routine is running because bit 5, 6 or 7 of the item (creature) properties byte (EB4E) is set. This bit indicates what action to take after a creature materialization or disintegration animation.
CFAE LD A,C Retrieve item (creature) properties byte
CFAF AND $80 Bit 7 of properties byte set = trigger WARLOCK/DEMON APPEARANCE after materialization animation is complete
CFB4 AND $40 Bit 6 of properties byte set = trigger warlock DISAPPEARANCE post-materialization animation (CE89) - e.g. successful object trade
CFB8 JR $CFF0 (If not either of the above) - Bit 5 of properties byte set = trigger CREATURE REMOVAL post-disintegration animation
Creature has just materialized - setup graphic for this creature:
CFBA LD A,$01 Set graphic frame number/offset at 1 (first frame/no frame offset)
CFBF LD A,($EBAB) Graphic number (offset for address pointers in table at 97C3)
CFC2 CALL $E0C2 Set up creature graphics
Warlock has been successfully traded with - remove warlock and initialize object trade
CFC8 LD A,$00 Set creature type to 0 (nothing to setup/draw)
CFCD LD A,$E0 Timer indicating how long before a warlock is likely to materialize in the current room
CFCF LD ($EBB4),A The warlocks will still appear again after a successful trade, but it'll be some time
Warlock has gone - either off-screen, or disappeared after being traded an object successfully:
CFD2 LD A,$00
CFD4 LD ($EBAD),A Set warlock 'aggression' (likelihood of firing a missile at Maroc) to 0 (as it's gone)
CFD7 LD A,($EBB6) Count of creatures in current room
CFDA DEC A ...reduce by 1...
CFDB LD ($EBB6),A ...and re-store.
CFDE LD A,($EBAE) Check if the warlock is carrying an object
CFE1 CP $00
CFE6 LD ($EB46),A ...If so, copy the item set number into the warlock's data set
CFE9 LD A,$00
CFEB LD ($EBAE),A ...and set the held item data buffer byte to 0
CFEE JR $D019 ...then skip over to the next routine
Creature has been destroyed - remove from existence:
CFF0 LD A,$00
CFF2 LD ($EB43),A Set creature type to 0 (no creature to deal with any more)
CFF5 LD HL,($EB44) Get address pointer to relevant creature/warlock data set at 6C7C
CFF9 INC (HL) Increment the second byte of the set. This byte holds the number of these creatures Maroc has destroyed
CFFA LD A,($EBB6) Reduce count of creatures in current room by 1
CFFE LD ($EBB6),A Get creature type
D001 LD A,($EB46)
D004 CP $08
D006 JP NC,$D27D If creature >=8, it's not a warlock so jump out of the routine here
D009 LD A,$00 Creature destroyed is a warlock. Set warlock 'aggression' (likelihood of firing a missile at Maroc) to 0, as the warlock is no more.
If a warlock is destroyed, it will drop the object it's carrying
D00E LD A,($EBA8) Get object number carried by the warlock
D011 CP $00
D013 LD ($EB46),A ...Copy this value into the warlock's data buffer
D016 JP Z,$D27D If the warlock isn't carrying anything, can jump out at this point
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