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CE71: Maroc is trading items with a warlock
Used by the routine at CDD7.
Maroc successfully trading an item with a warlock
CE71 LD A,($EBAE) Object number (if any) from table at 736F that has been offered to the warlock
CE74 LD D,A Temp store in D register
CE75 CP $00
CE77 JR Z,$CED4 If nothing has been offered, jump out to next routine handling warlock missiles
Maroc has offered an object to the warlock in a trade for the warlock's item.
  • If the item is of sufficient value (if bits 5-7 of the item's value byte >= warlock number) the warlock will accept the trade
  • Otherwise it will fire a missile at Maroc
  • Higher value items are needed to successfully trade with more powerful warlocks
Alternatively Maroc can destroy the warlock to obtain its held object, if he has a powerful enough spell.
CE79 LD A,($EB46) Warlock number (1-7) - table at 6C7C
CE7C LD C,A Temp store in C register
CE7D LD A,($EBAF) Single byte containing both the object's attribute/colour and its 'value'
CE80 RRA The trade-based value of this object is stored in bits 5-7
CE83 RRA shifted to bits 0-2
CE84 AND $07 Keep a value between 0-7
CE86 CP C Compare against warlock number. If it's greater, it's accepted as a trade for their carried object/spell
CE87 JR C,$CEB1 Carry here means the item value isn't high enough, so it's not accepted
Item accepted by warlock - traded for carried item:
CE89 LD A,($EBA8) Number of item held by warlock (from table at 736F)
CE8F LD A,D Retrieve the object number (from table at 736F) that Maroc has offered
CE90 LD ($EBA8),A ...and store in the warlock's working data buffer
CE93 LD HL,($EB44) Address pointer to warlock data set in table at 6C7C
CE99 LD (HL),A ...and store this object number as the warlock's held object
CE9A LD A,($EB4E) Get the warlock's properties byte
CE9D AND %00001111 Filter out/clear bits 4-7
CE9F OR %01000101 Set bit 6 (warlock ready for materialization routine) and bits 0 & 2 (item is visible and moving)
CEA1 LD ($EB4E),A ...and restore properties byte
CEA4 LD A,$01 Graphics frame offset (1 = no offset)
CEA6 LD ($EB50),A
CEA9 LD A,$5B Graphics address for materialization graphics at 9877
CEAB CALL $E0C2 Set up graphics
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