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C07A: Intro sequence lightning - flashing & sound effects
C07A LD A,$06 There are 6 lightning flashes between Maroc's sprite movement segments
C07F CALL $E610 Toggle sky colour between blue and yellow colour
C082 LD A,$80 Length/frequency of sound effect
C084 LD ($EB56),A Store length/frequency counter
C087 LD ($EAC7),A Also store as sound effect repeat counter
C08A CALL $E1D7 Play sound effect
C08D LD A,($EAC7)
C090 DEC A Inner loop - decrement counter and repeat sound effect (128 iterations)
C091 JR NZ,$C087
C093 LD A,($EACF) Outer loop - decrement counter and repeat lightning effect (6 flashes)
C096 DEC A
C097 JR NZ,$C07C Repeat 6 times
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