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E8D5: Set Maroc's speed to zero if FIRE pressed while he is moving
If FIRE is pressed to bring up the spell menu, Maroc stops dead (both vertical/horizontal movement), rather than slowing down.
First check whether Maroc is in a tunnel room. The spell list is inaccessible here so pressing FIRE does nothing:
E8D5 LD A,($EAB7) Get Maroc's current room number
E8D8 CP $E0 Tunnel rooms are from room number 224 onwards
Maroc is NOT in a tunnel room so the FIRE button is enabled:
E8DC LD A,($EB32)
E8DF CP $00 Check FIRE control
E8E1 JR Z,$E8EE If not pressed, skip to next routine
FIRE button pressed:
E8E3 LD A,$00
E8E5 LD ($EB05),A Set Maroc's vertical movement speed to zero
E8E8 LD ($EB04),A Set Maroc's horizontal movement speed to zero
E8EB JP $EA72 Continue on to clear the scroll spell menu
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