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52136: Determine movement of room items/creatures that move around the screen
Used by the routines at 51968 and 52059.
moving object - mouse
Not defined in the room creature table (27532), but there are certain room items defined in the room object item sets at 29551 that can move around the screen, for example:
  • Mouse (which Maroc can pick up)
  • Animated sabre (also collectable)
  • Spiders
  • Bats
  • Scorpions
This routine determines if the item/creature in the room item set can move around the screen.
If so, it determines its movement using the movement pattern byte stored at 60301. Some creatures home in on Maroc, others move more haphazardly.
52136 LD A,(60301) First byte from object state data set
52139 AND 7 Keep bits 0-2
52141 LD C,A Store in C register
52142 CP 0 Does this item move (any of bits 0-2 are set)?
52144 JP Z,52263 If not, skip the next section
This item moves:
52147 LD A,(60238) Get the item properties byte
52150 AND 253 Reset bit 2 to indicate that this item is not hidden - e.g. it might be a scorpion released from a bottle, or the mouse appearing from the mouse hole
52152 LD (60238),A ...and re-store
52155 LD A,(60074) Get game counter/timer
52158 AND 31 Keep bits 0-4 (values 0-31)
52160 JP Z,52255 To stop the item/creature's movement/speed getting out of hand, every 32nd frame, stop the creature/item by jumping out here and setting its vertical & horizontal movement speed to zero.
52163 CP 7 Check if counter is < 7
52165 JR C,52239 If so, jump out (overall this will be around 1 in 4 times) - don't adjust this creature's current direction/speed/trajectory
Game counter between 7 and 31 (will be ~3 times in every 4)
52167 LD A,C Graphic movement data for graphics from C register (60301)
52168 AND 1 Check bit 1 - if set, this indicates that the creature has a random element to its movement
52170 JR Z,52204 If not set, skip the next routine, which randomly adjusts the creature's speed/direction
CREATURES WITH A RANDOM ELEMENT TO THEIR MOVEMENT - randomly adjust this item's vertical and horizontal movement speed
52172 CALL 56070 Generate pseudo-random number
52175 LD B,A Temp store in B register
52176 AND 15 Keep bits 0-3 (values 0-15)
52178 SUB 7 Subtract 7
52180 LD D,A Store in D register - will be a number between -7 and +8
52181 LD A,(60236) Item's horizontal movement speed
52184 ADD A,D Add (or subtract if negative) the random value to current speed
52185 LD (60236),A ...and re-store altered horizontal movement speed
52188 LD A,B Retrieve pseudo-random number
52189 RRA
52190 RRA
52191 RRA Divide by 8
52192 AND 15 Keep bits 0-3 (values 0-15)
52194 SUB 7 Subtract 7
52196 LD D,A Store in D register - will be a number between -7 and +8
52197 LD A,(60237) Item's vertical movement speed
52200 ADD A,D Add (or subtract if negative) the random value to current speed
52201 LD (60237),A ...and re-store altered horizontal movement speed
Bit 1 (2) of the item's movement pattern byte indicates whether this creature/item will home in on Maroc.
52204 LD A,C Retrieve movement pattern byte from C register
52205 AND 2 Check bit 1 (2)
52207 JR Z,52239 If set, this item/creature will try to home in on Maroc's position. If not (e.g. the mouse) skip the next set of instructions.
Calculate HORIZONTAL movement direction
52209 LD A,(60232) Get the creature/item's horizontal position
52212 LD C,A
52213 LD A,(60096) Maroc's horizontal screen position
52216 SUB C Subtract the item's horizontal position
52217 RLA Rotating the bits left...
52218 SBC A,A ...and then using sub with carry will result in 0 or 255 (-1) - this indicates whether the difference is positive (Maroc is to the right) or negative (Maroc is to the left)
52219 XOR 7 This XOR subsequently produces a value of either +7 or -7
52221 LD (60236),A ...Store this as the item/creature's horizontal movement speed
Calculate VERTICAL movement direction
52224 LD A,(60234) Get the creature/item's vertical position
52227 LD C,A
52228 LD A,(60097) Maroc's vertical (Y-axis) screen position
52231 SUB C Subtract the item's vertical position
52232 RLA Rotating the bits left...
52233 SBC A,A ...and then using sub with carry will result in 0 or 255 (-1) - this indicates whether the difference is positive (Maroc is below the creature/item) or negative (Maroc is above the creature/item)
52234 XOR 7 This XOR subsequently produces a value of either +7 or -7
52236 LD (60237),A ...Store this as the item/creature's vertical movement speed
Check if item/creature is within wall boundaries (room wall collision check)
  • If bit 2 (4) of the movement pattern byte is NOT set, run a standard room boundary collision check
  • If this bit IS set, skip the check. This is to allow certain room creature 'items' - mainly BATS - to move above into the areas above the normal back and side wall boundaries.
52239 LD A,(60301) Retrieve movement pattern byte
52242 AND 4 Check if bit 2 is set
52244 JR NZ,52263 If so, skip to the next routine
52246 LD A,(60234) Graphic vertical position in room
52249 LD E,A
52250 CALL 57401 Run the standard wall collision check, which keeps the creature/item within the room's boundary
52253 JR 52263
Jump from 52160 every 32nd game cycle. To reduce overly-erratic movement of creatures or items, this routine stops the item/creature moving. It also makes creature movement looks slightly more natural as they pause their movement occasionally.
52255 LD A,0 Set the item/creature's vertical and horizontal movement speed to zero
52257 LD (60237),A
52260 LD (60236),A
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