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8039: Menu 1: Print control options
Used by the routine at 7C00.
Prints the first of two menus on screen - this one is for the player to select their controls. The text is stored at 8BC2.
menu screen 1
8039 LD A,$00 Reset menu option to 'none selected'
803B LD ($8BAA),A
Clear the screen
803E CALL $815B Clear the screen (pixels)
8041 LD A,$0F Set INK 7 (white), PAPER 1 (blue)
8043 CALL $816A Set screen colours
Print the menu
8046 LD HL,$4021 Set menu starting PRINT position at row 1, column 1
8049 LD DE,$8BC2 Store the address of the start of the menu text
804C LD ($8BC0),DE
8050 CALL $8179 Print first line of menu text "PRESS 1-4 TO CHANGE OPTION"
8053 LD HL,$4043 Set PRINT position at 2,3 (row/column)
8056 CALL $8179 Print next line of menu text "ENTER TO START PROGRAM"
8059 LD HL,$40A1 Set PRINT position at 5,1
805C CALL $8179 Print "1 KEMPSTON JOYSTICK (PORT 31)"
805F LD HL,$40E1 Set PRINT position at 7,1
8062 CALL $8179 Print "2 AGF JOYSTICK (CURSOR KEYS)"
8065 LD HL,$4821 Set PRINT position at 9,1
8068 CALL $8179 Print "3 SINCLAIR JOYSTICK"
806B LD HL,$4861 Set PRINT position AT 11,1
8071 LD HL,$48A3 Set PRINT position AT 13,3
The next part prints the key options for the 5 directions (up, down, left, right, fire). Instead of printing one line these are printed in 5 strings.
8077 LD DE,$8C82 Store the address of the text for the controls
807A LD ($8BC0),DE
807E LD HL,$48E1 Set PRINT position at 15,1 (row/column)
8081 LD A,$05 Store count of 5 sets of keys to PRINT (up, down, left, right & fire)
8083 LD ($8BAC),A
8086 LD ($8BBB),HL Store screen print position
8089 CALL $8179 PRINT text on screen
808C LD HL,($8BBB) Retrieve screen print position
808F INC HL Move forward 6 character spaces
8090 INC HL
8091 INC HL
8092 INC HL
8093 INC HL
8094 INC HL
8095 LD ($8BBB),HL ...and store the updated screen address position
8098 LD A,($8BAC) Retrieve, decrement and re-store counter (x 5 sets)
809B DEC A
809C LD ($8BAC),A
809F JR NZ,$8089 Continue to print until all 5 sets of keys are done
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