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A09A: Graphics - Tunnels
For room numbers 224-255 - the vertically scrolling tunnel rooms (6710).
These graphics form forming the wall boundaries for the tunnels. They are mirrored/flipped for the left hand side walls.
tunnels graphics
A09A DEFB %00100001 Graphic properties
A09B DEFB $03 Graphic consists of 3 tiles
A09C DEFB $F6 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-10 pixels)
A09D DEFB $D7 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-41 pixels)
A09E DEFB $0D Graphic consists of 13 bytes
A09F DEFB $80,$A0,$5C,$66,$20,$24,$78,$18 TEST-UDG-161
A0A7 DEFB $1C,$1A,$0C,$07,$03
A0AC DEFB $FE Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-2 pixels)
A0AD DEFB $E4 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-28 pixels)
A0AE DEFB $21 Graphic consists of 33 bytes
A0AF DEFB $80,$C0,$E0,$80,$C0,$A0,$C0,$40 TEST-UDG-162
A0B7 DEFB $64,$4C,$3C,$2C,$6A,$85,$C6,$C7
A0BF DEFB $E1,$D0,$60,$30,$22,$2C,$35,$36
A0C7 DEFB $73,$61,$38,$34,$18,$1D,$07,$01
A0D0 DEFB $06 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (+6 pixels)
A0D1 DEFB $01 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (+1 pixel)
A0D2 DEFB $08 Graphic consists of 8 bytes
A0D3 DEFB $10,$30,$B0,$F0,$F0,$10,$1A,$05 TEST-UDG-163
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