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AB92: Graphics - Foreground scenery items 2
Foreground scenery is handled in the routine at C501.
AB92 DEFB %00000001 Graphic properties
AB93 DEFB $04 Graphic consists of 4 tiles
Box - tile 1
AB94 DEFB $F0 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-16 pixels)
AB95 DEFB $F8 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
AB96 DEFB $10 Graphic consists of 16 bytes
AB97 DEFB $07,$0D,$1E,$3D,$3E,$FF,$80,$80 TEST-UDG-256
AB9F DEFB $FF,$80,$FF,$80,$FF,$80,$FF,$80
Box - tile 2
ABA7 DEFB $F8 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
ABA8 DEFB $F8 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
ABA9 DEFB $10 Graphic consists of 16 bytes
ABAA DEFB $FF,$55,$AA,$55,$AA,$FF,$00,$00 TEST-UDG-257
ABB2 DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00
Box - tile 3
ABBA DEFB $00 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (0 pixels)
ABBB DEFB $F8 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
ABBC DEFB $10 Graphic consists of 16 bytes
ABBD DEFB $FF,$55,$AA,$55,$AA,$FF,$00,$00 TEST-UDG-258
ABC5 DEFB $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00
Box - tile 4
ABCD DEFB $08 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (+8 pixels)
ABCE DEFB $F8 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
ABCF DEFB $10 Graphic consists of 16 bytes
ABD0 DEFB $E0,$70,$B8,$7C,$BE,$FE,$02,$02 TEST-UDG-259
ABD8 DEFB $FE,$02,$FE,$02,$FE,$02,$FE,$02
unidentified items of rubble
ABE0 DEFB %00000001 Graphic properties
ABE1 DEFB $03 Graphic consists of 3 tiles
Rubble - tile 1
ABE2 DEFB $F5 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-11 pixels)
ABE3 DEFB $FE Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-2 pixels)
ABE4 DEFB $09 Graphic consists of 9 bytes
ABE5 DEFB $0F,$27,$4A,$18,$33,$2C,$CC,$C8 TEST-UDG-260
Rubble - tile 2
ABEE DEFB $FD Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (-3 pixels)
ABEF DEFB $FB Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-5 pixels)
ABF0 DEFB $0A Graphic consists of 10 bytes
ABF1 DEFB $0C,$3E,$7F,$9F,$02,$01,$C0,$C7 TEST-UDG-261
ABF9 DEFB $E2,$12
Rubble - tile 3
ABFB DEFB $05 Horizontal (X axis) pixel offset (+5 pixels)
ABFC DEFB $F8 Vertical (Y axis) pixel offset (-8 pixels)
ABFD DEFB $0E Graphic consists of 14 bytes
ABFE DEFB $70,$F8,$64,$64,$DC,$A0,$40,$F0 TEST-UDG-262
AC06 DEFB $98,$0C,$3C,$E6,$02,$83
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