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D49D: Check if Maroc has gone through the portal in room 81
Used by the routine at D479.
floor symbol in room 81
After Maroc places the four elemental symbols on the floor circle (see image) in room 81, a portal door appears in the middle of the screen.
This routine uses the collision detection routine at DFCD to check if Maroc has gone through the portal doorway which takes him to the High Temple of Chaos and a confrontation with Avelach.
Interestingly, Maroc doesn't actually have to create the portal door to get to the High Temple of Chaos - there's actually a shortcut...
D49D LD A,($EAB7) Get room number
D4A0 CP $51 Is it room 81?
D4A2 JR NZ,$D4B2 If not, skip the following check routine
D4A4 LD C,$88 Collision type to check = 136 - Maroc touching portal door
D4A6 CALL $DFCD Collision check routine - returns 0 (no collision) or 1 (collision found) in the A register
D4A9 CP $00 Collision with portal door?
D4AB JR Z,$D4B2 If not, skip to the next routine
D4AD LD A,$52 Set the room number to 82, in the High Temple of Chaos
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