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D4B2: Draw Maroc's shadow and flickering barrier for SHIELD, PROTECT and DEFENCE spells
Follows previous section (D49D).
Maroc flickering shield effect
  • Although Maroc's vertical position varies depending on his movement speed, his shadow remains at a fixed point on the screen (vertical pixel position 95)
  • When the SHIELD, PROTECT and DEFENCE spells are active, a flickering shield appears around Maroc
Draw Maroc's shadow:
D4B2 LD HL,($EAC4) Graphic address pointer for Maroc's shadow (98B7)
D4B5 LD A,$5F Vertical screen position - 95 pixels from top of playing area
D4B7 LD ($EAD2),A
D4BA CALL $DB98 Draw shadow
Check for spells that generate a flickering effect
D4BD LD A,($EAE9) Check currently active effect spell (a positive match for any of them jumps to D4D8)
D4C0 CP $02 SHIELD spell active
D4C2 JR Z,$D4D8
D4C4 CP $0B PROTECT spell active
D4C6 JR Z,$D4D8
D4C8 CP $12 DEFENCE spell active
If no matches to the above none of the spells is active. The next check is to see if any of the spells have just been deactivated:
  • If the player deactivates any of the above 3 spells, the 'currently active effect spell' byte at EAE9 is set to 255
  • This tells this routine to erase any 'barrier' graphics that might be on screen
D4CE JR NZ,$D4FC If no 255 match, there's no effect spell graphics to draw/erase. Jump out of this routine to D4FC.
SHIELD, PROTECT or DEFENCE have been deactivated, so make sure any on-screen barrier graphics are removed
D4D0 LD A,$00
D4D2 LD ($EAE9),A Set currently active effect spell to 0 (no spell active)
D4D5 LD ($EACF),A Set draw/erase flag to 0 (ERASE)
Draw/erase the flickering barrier graphics
D4D8 LD A,($EAC1) Get Maroc's vertical screen position, from top of playing area, in pixels
D4DB LD ($EAD2),A ...and copy into working graphic data buffer
D4DE LD HL,($EC96) Graphics address pointer for shield barrier graphics (9893/A9EC)
Work out which graphics frame to use for barrier graphic. Uses the game counter at EAAA to alternate frame graphics.
D4E1 LD A,($EAAA) Get the game counter byte
D4E4 AND $01 Check the lowest bit (bit 0) of the game counter (0 = even, 1 = odd)
D4E6 ADD A,A Multiply by 2
If bit 0 = 0, offset will be 2 x 0 = 0, so frame 1 is used.
If bit 0 = 1, offset will be 2 x 1 = 2, so a +2 offset to the graphics address which gives frame 2.
D4E7 LD E,A Put offset into DE register pair
D4E8 LD D,$00
D4EA ADD HL,DE ...and add to the base graphic pointer address (9893)
D4EB LD ($EB51),HL Store graphics address pointer to the frame that needs drawing
D4EE CALL $DB98 Draw the barrier graphic on screen
The barrier graphic is only drawn briefly - in fact, the very next routine immediately erases it. This is what creates the flicker effect.
D4F1 LD A,$00
D4F3 LD ($EACF),A Set draw/erase flag to 0 (ERASE)
D4F6 LD HL,($EB51) Retrieve address for barrier graphics frame
D4F9 CALL $DB98 ...And erase the graphic
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