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E5A5: Identify address of message text
Used by the routines at C03F, C677, C763, DA88 and E4E7.
A Message number (1-37). Message text lists stored at 7172, beginning with level names.
E5A5 LD HL,($EB5B) Address pointer for text to print
E5A8 LD D,$01 Start at text #1
E5AA CP D Determine which message number to print - is it this one?
E5AB JR Z,$E5B5 If so, RETurn
E5AD LD B,(HL) If not, get the number of text characters in this message
E5AE INC B +1 (correction to set the counter at the right number)
E5AF INC HL Move to the next byte
E5B0 DJNZ $E5AF Skip the rest of the bytes for this message
E5B2 INC D Increment message number/counter
E5B3 JR $E5AA ...and run the check again for the next message
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