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DA88: Game completion - Maroc has destroyed Avelach, Lord of Chaos
Used by the routine at CC27.
Game completion. Maroc has used Caliburn on Avelach in the High Temple of Chaos (event check at CC27).
completion of the game
DA8A LD ($EB56),A (255 = max) length/frequency for white noise effect
DA8D LD ($EAC7),A (255 = max) counter duration for white noise effect
DA90 LD ($EAA9),A Also set as attribute value for screen
Change (decrement) screen colour attributes and play sound effects
DA93 CALL $E207 Set screen colour
DA96 CALL $E1D7 Play sound effect
DA99 LD A,($EAC7) Get counter
DA9C DEC A Decrement counter (also the screen colour/attribute value)
DA9D JR NZ,$DA8D Repeat until counter at zero
Print success message on scroll:
DA9F CALL $EA72 Reset attributes in top right corner of scroll (in case the spell icon is FLASHING)
DAA2 CALL $DEF9 Clear the scroll area
DAA5 LD A,$23 Message number 35 to print (72F9)
DAA7 CALL $E5A5 Identify the message text to print
DAAA LD ($EAA1),HL Re-store the address pointer for the end of the text string
DAAD LD HL,$5087 Screen display address to print the text
DAB3 CALL $E2D0 Set up message text on scroll to print
Play one complete set of game (intro/main theme) music:
DAB6 LD A,$01 Tune number #1
DAB8 CALL $E5B6 Play the tune
Calculate and print the player's (final) rank on the scroll:
DABB CALL $DEF9 Clear the scroll area
DABE CALL $E4E7 Calculate and print rank on scroll
Play game (intro) tune on a loop:
DAC1 LD A,$01 Tune number #1
DAC3 CALL $E5B6 Play the tune
DAC6 JR $DAC1 ...and repeat until the player resets their Spectrum...
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