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52392: Maroc has picked up a spell
A Spell number (from list at 28156)
Maroc has collected a spell. Collected spells come with a random number of charges (between 3 and 10).
52392 LD C,A Temp store for spell number in C register
52393 LD A,(60238) Get item properties byte
52396 AND 16 Is the item carried by the servant (i.e. the servant has picked up the spell and moved onto Maroc, rather than Maroc moving over the spell item)?
52398 JR Z,52405
52400 LD A,0
52402 LD (60337),A ...If not, set the item-carried-by-servant byte to 0
Mark this spell as 'acquired' by setting the first byte in its spell set to 16:
52405 LD A,C Retrieve spell number
52406 LD HL,(60261) Address pointer to start of spell list at 28156
52409 LD D,0
52411 LD E,A Store spell number in DE register pair...
52412 EX DE,HL ...Swap into HL register pair. Each spell set contains 16 bytes, so...
52413 ADD HL,HL x 2
52414 ADD HL,HL x 4
52415 ADD HL,HL x 8
52416 ADD HL,HL x 16
52417 ADD HL,DE Add to the base spell list address (28156) so HL is now pointing at the start of the set for this spell
52418 LD (HL),16 Set the first byte of the set to 16, which indicates that Maroc has collected this spell
Collected spells come with a variable number of charges. New spells will start with between 3 and 10 charges. Collecting additional spells of the same type will add 3-10 charges to the existing ones.
52420 LD A,(60074) Incrementing game cycle counter (used here to generate a pseudo-random number)
52423 AND 7 Keep bits 0-2. This provides a random value between 0-7
52425 ADD A,3 Add 3 to give a value between 3-10
52427 LD B,A Store in B register
52428 INC HL
52429 INC HL
52430 INC HL Move along 3 positions to byte 4 of the set, which indicates how many charges are left for this spell
52431 LD A,(HL)
52432 CP 255
52434 JR Z,52438 Value of 255 means unlimited charges, so skip next two instructions if so.
52436 ADD A,B Add the spell's charges to the current number..
52437 LD (HL),A ...and re-store the amended count.
After collecting a spell, 'MAGIC' (in the bottom left of the screen) flashes colour and a sound is played 15 times (54065).
52438 LD A,15
52440 LD (60576),A Initialize this counter value to 15
52443 JR 52506
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