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EB91: Data buffer - missile data
Missile-related data such as missile position:
EB91 DEFB $00 Number of creature-launched missiles currently in effect (maximum of 1 missile allowed at any time, so will either be 0 or 1)
EB92 DEFB $00 Number of Maroc-launched missiles currently in effect (incremented at D7B4)
EB93 DEFB $00 Missile number (table at 6CDC), used in routine at DB1F
EB94 DEFB $00 Missile horizontal position overflow/precision byte - to calculate fractions as main position (in next byte) is in 4-pixel increments
EB95 DEFB $00 Horizontal position of missile origin in 4-pixel (half-character) steps
EB96 DEFB $00 Missile vertical position overflow/precision byte - generally unused as vertical position is in pixels
EB97 DEFB $00 Vertical pixel position of missile origin
EB98 DEFB $00 Horizontal (X) position of target, in half-character (4-pixel) steps
EB99 DEFB $00 Vertical (Y) position of target, in pixels
EB9A DEFB $00 Object type (missile):
  • 5 = Missile fired by creature (at Maroc)
  • 8 = Missile fired by Maroc
Stored as first byte in data set at 7C00.
EB9B DEFW $0000 Address pointer to missile data in table at 6CDC
Missile buffer table. 8 bytes of missile data copied from sets at 6CDC.
EB9D DEFB $00 Graphic number - offset for missile graphic address in table at 97C3
52 = Missile type 1 (9829)
55 = Missile type 2 (9831)
58 = Missile type 3 (9835)
EB9E DEFB $00 Missile properties byte
Top 4 bits of this byte hold the missile's duration/longevity (how long it's on screen for)
EB9F DEFB $00 Missile ink colour. If bit 3 is set, the missile changes colour
EBA0 DEFB $00 Missile's event/collision type to check
EBA1 DEFB $00 Counter spell #1 (from list at 6DFC, starting at 0)
This value = 14 for all missiles = AMULET, which resists all missile types
EBA2 DEFB $00 Used at D126, damage caused by missile = the amount to decrease Maroc's energy by
EBA3 DEFB $00 Counter spell #2 (from list at 6DFC, starting at 0) that resists this missile/bolt type
EBA4 DEFB $00 Counter spell #3 (from list at 6DFC, starting at 0) that resists this missile/bolt type
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