Address Length Description
61A9 1383
Room data - standard rooms
6710 128
Room data - vertical tunnel sections
6790 1020
Room data - connecting doors
6B8C 240
Room data - creatures
6C7C 96
Warlock and other creatures - stats and attributes
6CDC 72
Missile data
6D24 216
Graphics - character set A-Z
736F 2149
Room objects
825F 443
Graphics: Intro sequence inner border & backdrop
841A 1936
Graphics: Game screen (decorative border)
8BAA 24
Menu screens - data store
97C3 370
Data - sprite and graphic address pointer table
994F 897
Graphics - Maroc the Mage
9CD0 248
Graphics - Doors
9DC8 123
Graphics - Wall/floor connector sections
9E43 165
Graphics - Door frames
9EE8 91
Graphics - Brickwork graphics
9F43 105
Graphics - Wall/floor connector sections 2
9FAC 137
Graphics - Door frames 2
A035 101
Graphics - Cavern back wall background graphics
A09A 65
Graphics - Tunnels
A0DB 41
Graphics - Servant
A104 60
Graphics - Eye cursor
A140 36
Graphics - Scroll
A164 26
Graphics - Caliburn
A17E 125
Graphics - Spell icons
A1FB 240
Graphics - Missiles & bolts
A2EB 214
Graphics - Warlock
A3C1 219
Graphics - Guardian of Chaos
A49C 177
Graphics - Goblin warrior
A54D 211
Graphics - Goblin missile thrower
A620 174
Graphics - Wraith
A6CE 377
Graphics - Demon
A847 144
Graphics - Warlock/demon materialization effect
A8D7 271
Graphics - Disintegration animation
A9E6 116
Graphics - Shield spell barrier
AA5A 53
Graphics - Foreground scenery - skeleton
AA8F 259
Graphics - Foreground scenery items 1
AB92 122
Graphics - Foreground scenery items 2
AC0C 237
Graphics - Foreground scenery items 3
ACF9 142
Graphics - Foreground scenery items 4
AD87 20
Graphics - Maroc's shadow
AD9B 6
Graphics - 'Dummy' graphic
ADA1 139
Graphics - Spider
AE2C 186
Graphics - Bat
AEE6 13
Graphics - Scroll display icon for spell charges
AEF3 178
Graphics - Energy bar (on scroll)
AFA5 74
Graphics - Scroll pointer arrow
Graphics - Key and Chest
B040 66
Graphics - Buried bottle and Lever
B082 59
Graphics - Cheese & Mouse Hole
B0BD 59
Graphics - Keys (key 2 and hanging key)
B0F8 53
Graphics - Star
B12D 105
Graphics - Various
B196 73
Graphics - Scorpion
B1DF 126
Graphics - Axe, Bone, Orb, Sabre
B25D 41
Graphics - Mouse
B286 49
Graphics - Sabre - animated
B2B7 116
Graphics - Trapdoor
B32B 48
Graphics - Lady
B35B 111
Graphics - Key 3, Oil Jar, Gem, Idol
B3CA 79
Graphics - Fire
B419 150
Graphics - Elemental Symbols
B4AF 18
Graphics - Pick Axe
B4C1 120
Graphics - Portal Floor Symbol and Door
B539 44
Graphics - Avelach, Lord of Chaos
B565 64
Graphics - Elemental Symbol (blank) and Healing Star
BF18 2
Controls choice and game flag
C6A4 18
Lookup table - room numbers and their corresponding level names & warlocks
Store for base address pointers
EAA1 6
Data buffer - scroll text and icon data
EAA7 3
Data buffer - attributes/colours
Data buffer - game data (various)
Data buffer - graphic working data
EAE1 14
Data buffer - spell data
Data buffer - general (mainly room/scenery related)
Data buffer - Maroc/servant/spell cursor controls and position data
EB06 61
Keyboard/joystick control method and port checking values
EB43 16
Data buffer - for each room object, creature, scenery item
EB53 8
Data buffer - music and sound effects
EB5B 25
Data buffer - general address and spell pointers
EB74 14
Data buffer - room co-ordinate data and pointers
EB82 15
Data buffer - room objects
EB91 20
Data buffer - missile data
EBA5 8
Data buffer - creature attributes
Game data buffer - warlock and creature attributes/data
Data buffer - Maroc's inventory address pointers
EBC1 4
Missile & creature data pointers for start of game
EBC5 17
Store for currently selected spell data
EBD6 26
Room item/creature attribute colour patterns
EBF0 164
Music data
EC94 14
Data buffer - various bits of spell and tunnel data
ECB8 1346
Code sheet - full code sheet data values
F216 8
Code sheet - bytes used to randomize code sheet co-ordinates choice
F260 2
Code sheet - store for code value co-ordinates (for code sheet)